Thursday, February 11, 2010

115) Peter’s Reminder

2 Peter 1:12 Therefore I intend always to remind you of these qualities, though you know them and are established in the truth that you have.

In verse 12 Peter clearly states his reason for mentioning these qualities. It is to remind believers of qualities they already know and have. They are established in the truth and are not like the unbelievers he mentioned in verse nine that profess Christ but are blind and lack these qualities. Peter is reminding them of qualities that true Christians have been given by the power of the new covenant promises through grace. They have been given a new heart and are led by the indwelling Spirit. In this passage [v. 3 thru 15] Peter is not advocating a works salvation through learning and practicing these qualities. He is reminding them of qualities true believers already have and is exhorting them to be diligent in practicing these qualities. The most effective Christians could be more diligent, but the least effective Christians do not lack these qualities altogether.

Focus on Christ #115


mark pierson said...

"He is reminding them of qualities true believers already have and is exhorting them to be diligent in practicing these qualities."

THE PERFECT SUMMARY STATEMENT!!! Let no one mis-characterize us from here out!

jazzycat said...

Thanks. It is still cold down here.... We need a little of that Al Gore global warming soon.